Making Your Workout Work For You



  • Problem: We've all started a health routine with excitement, only to decide within just a few weeks that we're bored with it. Let's just be real. That was always my problem. I would start off with great intentions and then get bored and eventually my routine would fizzle out. 
  • Solution: The key is to find something active that you enjoy. Something that you look forward to doing several times a week. For me it was tennis. It was something that sounded fun and you get to wear cute outfits...who wouldn't love that! So find something that sounds fun to you—biking, running, walking, tennis, golf, bowling, swimming. The key is to get active!


  • Problem: I wish I were one of those people who could jump up at 5am, drink a gallon of water, and sprint out the door for an hour of Crossfit. But yeah, that's not gonna happen. I came up with a strategy that worked for me though. 
  • Solution: When there is not accountability it's hard to keep a routine, so I found a friend that liked to get up early! She wakes me up in the morning and drags my lifeless body down to the gym, and I come up with the workout routine. I also have a friend that meets me after work three times a week to play tennis. Since it's something I really like doing, it makes it feel more like playing than working out. So, find a friend that will commit to going to your activity with you a couple times a week. It makes it twice as fun! And less like an self-inflicted workout obligation.


  • Problem: The truth is that most of us have a tendency to look for an excuse not to do something that we don't really want to do.
  • Solution: Don't send a text like, "Do you want to work out today?" or, "Are we playing tennis tonight?" That gives an out for both of you.  Instead say, "What TIME do you want to meet?" Or say, "See you on the courts at 6:30!" It seems like a little thing, but it makes a huge difference. 


  • Problem: You don't feel like going to the gym or being active. 
  • Solution: Dressing the part is half the battle. That may sound funny, but the truth is, if you put on a fun workout outfit (or in my case, tennis skirt) you are more likely to follow through with it. 


  • Problem: It doesn't help to create unrealistic goals. The idea isn't to look like a super skinny super model. It is to develop a healthy lifestyle and have fun in the process. 
  • Solution: Mark your calendar for an event or something you want to go to. It could be a dance, wedding, lake trip, photo shoot, or vacation. Then when you feel like skipping a week, remind yourself about that dress or swimsuit you want to wear and just do it. 

So those are my secrets for making my workout work for me! 

"She clothes herself with strength, and strengthens her arms" (Prov. 31:17).

What tips do you have? 

Kristian KellyComment