Last Single Girl Left On Earth

"That's it! I am officially the LAST single girl left on earth!" I yelled at the unresponsive faces on the TV screen.

My last close friend had just officially started dating someone and, though I really was happy for her, that didn't make my situation any less, well, "pathetic" was how I felt. So here I sat wallowing in my third bowl of Lucky Charms (don't judge) and my 8th re-run.

"Um helloooooo God....did you forget about me? It looks like you may have missed one. Hello? I mean I know I'm not very tall...all those dumb models taking up the TV monitor space in heaven...but hey! Right HERE!" 

Pause the scene. 

Enter Elijah. Pre-Jesus. Cool robe-like garb...I imagine. Scraggly beard. Pension for getting in trouble with the authorities. Brought down fire from heaven to prove His God was the real one. Got some false prophets killed. On the run from a veeeerry angry queen...think Wonderland's Queen of Heart's. OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!

So here we find him wallowing in a cave (Hmmmm sounds familiar). 

1 Kings 19:3-4 "Elijah was afraid and fled for his life. He went to Beersheba, a town in Judah; and he left his servant there. Then he went on alone into the wilderness, traveling all day. He sat down under a solitary broom tree and prayed that he might die. "I have had enough, Lord," he said. "Take my life, for I am no better than my ancestors who have already died."

I'd say this dude is pretty depressed. And I thought I needed Lucky Charms. 

Well there is a lot to this story. (I would recommend reading it.) But after a cool angel came on the scene, an earthquake, a fire and a storm, God basically asks him, "Dude what are you doing here wallowing in the cave?" 

And Elijah lets him in on the problem, "He replied again, 'I have zealously served the Lord God Almighty. But the people of Israel have broken their covenant with you, torn down your altars, and killed every one of your prophets. I AM THE ONLY ONE LEFT, and now they are trying to kill me too!" (verse 14)

Wow. And I thought I had problems. 

Have you ever felt like you were the last one left? Like the last one to be picked for the team? Like the last one left in the Zombie apocalypse?

The last one left to stand for God at your school or work.

The last one to keep a pure relationship, or hold out for a Godly guy.

The last one not to give in and conform to being just like everyone else.

Well, I LOVE the way God answers this. He says, Ok Elijah, I want you to go do this, this and this (you can read that part yourself if you want), and hey, go back where you came from...where 7,000 haven't bowed their knee to another God. 

In other words, in His own loving God way, he says, "Hey Buddy, I know you think you're the last one left...but you're not. So put down the Lucky Charms and get on with your life and the purpose I have in front of you.." 

Wow. Wake-up call. 

And that's pretty much what he told me too. I wasn't the last one left. He hadn't forgotten me. As a matter of fact He had a ton of amazing things up ahead for me. A relationship was one of them...but not yet. Not quite yet. And I wasn't the only single girl left on the face of the earth. (Whew what a relief!) 

Sometimes it's just nice to know that you're not the only non-zombie left out there.

So, that's what I did. I snapped out of my momentary emotional breakdown and went searching for the other single girls out there with dreams in their heart, passions to pursue, and things to do too. And you know what I realized? There were a LOT. (You may be one of them!) I got up and started doing what God had called me to do.

So now, I'm telling you to do the same. Put down the Ben and Jerry's or the Lucky Charms and get to it. I promise you're not the only one left and you have dreams to accomplish. So let's do this together. 


Ever felt like the last one standing? 

Kristian KellyComment