View From Above


One day I was flying back from a trip and thinking (read: worrying) about a million things I needed to do when I got home. The list kept getting longer as I tried to sleep, so I gave up and opened the small plane window to distract myself...

That's when I encountered THE most beautiful sunset I have ever seen! I was totally taken aback. The brilliant colors were beyond words, and I have never seen clouds as perfect as those we were flying over at that moment. I couldn't imagine that heaven could be any more beautiful than what I was seeing at that moment. 

I looked around to see if anyone else was appreciating this exquisite painting in the sky, but it seemed everyone around me was either sleeping, working, watching a movie or going over their own To-Do lists in their head.

I wanted to jump up and yell, “Hey everyone, look! Do you see this amazing sunset?! You’re missing it!” But I had already received a mean look from the guy next to me when I opened up my "noisy" granola bar, so I decided it was probably best not to wake him again and just enjoy it for myself.

As I was taking in the view, I could occasionally see, what looked like from that height, tiny buildings and homes down below. Life in miniature.

And all of a sudden, my many "things to do" and "problems to figure out" didn’t seem quite so big after all.

The world was small below and the problems in it. And it made me think that maybe that’s the way God sees our problems. We’re freaking out, like, “God, do you see how BIG this is? Are you going to be able to handle it?!” And God is like, “Girl, that isn’t anything for me.” We look at life from the street view, but God is looking at it from the sky view.


"We look at life from the street view, but God is looking at it from the sky view."


In Isaiah 55:8-9, God says “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts... And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.”

From up in the air, you begin to realize that the things you are facing aren’t actually as big as they seem when they're right in front of you. They are just a tiny part of a much bigger landscape.

In that moment, I felt like God was asking me to come up higher— to see things from a higher view— and recognize that He was SO much bigger than I sometimes remembered.

Whatever you are walking through right now, I encourage you to remember that our God is so much bigger than the situation at hand. He sees what we don’t, and He knows exactly what we need.

Trust him and realize that it isn’t as big as it seems.

He’s got this.

Psalm 121:1 “I lift up my eyes to the hills. Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”

Let me hear from you! -Kristian