

Did you know we all have a unique adventure to live? Yes that's right, you too. And I'm not just talking about a safari in Africa or a back-packing trip across Europe (though I would recommend them). But the fearlessly, beautiful, extraordinary life is not meant for only a few. It is meant for you. 

So, how do you make sure you are living your adventure? Well you have to just start where you are right now.


1. Make it a Priority

  • Don’t settle for ordinary.
  • Plan for fun.
  • Look for opportunities to spice up the normal.

Opportunities for fun are are all around you if you will look for them, from a downtown music festival bursting with undiscovered local talent to a fall picnic with friends in the park.

And adventures are just around the corner, from an unfrequented route home from school or work, to a last minute camping trip.


2. Get Creative

The problem is that we have settled for just following the norm from hanging out with friends to date nights.

Movie on the couch...Eat out...Chill with friends...Movie on the couch...Eat out...And another movie on the couch night. Girl, my grandma's got more going on than that! If that sounds like your social calendar, it's time to make a change.

One night, a couple of my friends and I, totally tired of Netflix and pizza routine, decided to have a movie on the lawn night. We had everyone bring $5 to pay for ingredients, made "gourmet" pizzas on the grill, played outdoor games, and set up a projector in the back yard with picnic blankets, pillows and a fire pit. It was one of the most memorable nights of the summer.

We just decided to do something different than the norm and it was amazing! 


3. Keep it Simple

My sister started geo-cashing with her friends recently. It's like hidden treasures all over the world that you find and then add to them. It doesn't cost anything and it sends them on adventures all over. 

There are lots of simple ways to spice up your everyday. 

Explore a new route home. 

Try a new sport or hobby.

Pick something new on the menu that you've never tried before. 

Try a new language app and start planning a trip. 

Throw a themed party just because. 

Go for a hike or bike ride with friends.

Make a picnic and discover a cool spot. 

Explore an abandoned building.

Go to a concert. 

The key is to be creative. There are no wrong choices. Whether it goes great or totally flops, it's still a fun adventure or a funny story to add to your life. So go ahead, start planning some adventure into your life. Like I said, it doesn't have to be crazy, just creative.

Life IS an adventure; we just have to live it!

What are some fun things you've done to change up the boring and mundane and turn it into an adventure? Have any pictures? 

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